Two-Fifty Tuesday: Who is Your Audience?

Write for You

Remember when writing was fun? Yeah, sometimes me neither. Sometimes we get so caught up in making sure we’re doing everything “right” that we forget why we even started. Yes, we need to study our craft, but even Olympic athletes take breaks from their training.

My suggestion: Write a story just for you. No one else has to see it (and if you do show it to someone, the privilege comes with a very strict rule: they are only allowed to say how much they love it. :)) When you remove the pressure of trying to write well all the time (am I getting in the character’s head enough? Does my world building make sense?) you can simply write for fun. 

A tip: Consider writing fan fiction. I admit I used to be a terrible snob. I had thought fan fiction was a cop out—someone else did all the hard work of creating the characters and worlds. But I’m wrong! Fan fiction can be liberating for that very reason. Half the work is already done for you! So choose your favorite book, TV show, movie or characters. Then take a few minutes here and there to write a story no one will see. (Tell your inner critic that includes them!)

When there’s no need to impress, sell, market, or find readers, you’ll remember why writing is fun. Then you dive back into your own story that will set fire to the world. And enjoy it all the more. 


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