What is a Book Coach?

I’m your editor, your project manager, your emotional support, your expert, and your passionate cheerleader.

I’m also a writer, so I know your struggles. I’ve been there, stopping and starting and stalling for years. Writing is hard. It takes effort and skill and sometimes it feels like you’ll never accomplish your dream.

But you can!

How? By working one-on-one with a book coach so you don’t have to go it alone.

As your book coach, I’m with you the whole way.

Unlike writing courses, workshops or conferences, I’m in this writing life with you for the long haul. I don’t just teach you the individual skills you need to write a book and then leave you to muddle through on your own, I guide you through the whole, long, challenging journey.

I lead you through the writing process (wherever you’re at in it), I keep you accountable so you finish a complete draft, and I’m always in your corner. You have the security of knowing that you have an expert and cheerleader on your side.

You’ll come away from our collaboration with confidence that you can write, the skills and discipline to write and, most importantly, a finished draft of your manuscript that’s proof you did write.

How I Can Help

No matter what stage of the writing process you’re at, whether you’re writing early chapter books, middle-grade, young adult or adult fiction, whether you’re writing literary fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, mysteries, thrillers or any other genre, I’m there for you!

If you are:

  • A writer who has never written before and wants to start a novel or memoir
    • You’ll learn how, step-by-step.
  • A writer who wants to start a new book.
    • You’ll get creative feedback to ensure you’re on the right track.
  • A writer who is done writing.
    • You’ll get an expert review of your manuscript.
  • A writer who wants to write but doesn’t have time
    • You’ll get customized time management and accountability.

And no matter what your writing goals are, I can help!

Is writing more than a hobby?

Writing is your passion, it’s your dream, it’s more than a hobby, but you can’t quit your day job and you’re frustrated. Read Brooke’s story to see if you can relate and then learn what I can do for you.

Brooke has a full-time job and is the mother of two young girls. She’s been trying to write (at night) on her own, but suffers from imposter syndrome. She thinks she can’t call herself a real writer, and therefore doesn’t want to reach out to any writing communities/courses/conferences. After all, in her mind, she’s not a “real” writer. But still, her writing feels like more than a hobby.

Brooke is most frustrated that she never finishes anything. She has all these ideas tumbling around her head, but can’t corral them into a coherent structure. She’s read all sorts of how-to-write books, but they never help. She’s frustrated because she thought she had it in her, but now she doubts herself and her ability, so she’s ready to give up.

How I can help

If you’re like Brooke, I can help you carve out the time you need by giving you realistic and manageable deadlines. You will learn how to organize and structure your ideas, and at every stage, you will get encouraging, constructive feedback. More importantly, through our work together, you’ll see how you truly do have it in you.

Click here for a full list of Services.

Do you want to take your writing to the next level?

You’re a self-taught writer and you believe in your skills, but is your writing good enough? Read Forest’s story to see if you can relate and then learn what I can do for you.

Forest is a Grade 12 student who loves writing fantasy stories and he’s already finished a novel—but he fears it’s not good enough to get published. And who would take a teenager seriously anyway?

Forest’s parents support his writing so they hire a book coach, the way they signed up their other kids for music lessons and hockey teams—to work with experts as a way to improve. Forest loves his book coaching experience. He wonders why writing has to be DIY; when you’re aiming to get to the top in other fields like sports, you get structured organization and support. He knows that working with a book coach doesn’t guarantee publication any more than working with a sports coach will guarantee you an Olympic medal, but now he feels he has a way forward.

How I can help

If you are like Forest (at any age) and are aiming for the top, you need experts to help you see what you might have missed. I can assess where your writing is at and give you tools to help you get there. I use tough love—I tell it to you straight, but I also never leave you hanging. If something needs to be improved, I will show you how to improve it and stay with you until you do.

Click here for a full list of Services.

Don’t even know where or how to begin?

You’ve always loved the idea of writing, but have no experience and wouldn’t even know where to start. Read Agatha’s story to see if you can relate and then learn what I can do for you.

Agatha is a retired elementary school teacher who is struggling to fill her days. She remembers she always wanted to write a novel, but never had time. She likes the idea, but she’s not sure where to begin. She doesn’t even know what genre or age group she’d want to write for. And who is she to think she could write something? She may know a good book when she reads one, but she can’t imagine writing one.

How I can help

If you are like Agatha, with very little writing experience, hiring me as your book coach is a great way to start. Writing is a process, so we start at the beginning. I’ll teach you the fundamentals of story, the basics of genre and age groups, and how to plan your story. We work together to set goals that will challenge you but not overwhelm you. You’ll gain knowledge, skill and confidence that you can write a book.

Click here for a full list of Services.

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