Two-Fifty Tuesday: The Long Haul

Writing Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Ever run a marathon? Yeah, me neither. (And yay for you if you have, you crazy person!) But to me, writing a book feels like I have.

The exciting idea to tackle this goal.

The daunting realization of the task ahead.

The deep inhalation and giddiness of just going for it.

The initial work to learn the best way forward.

The first day. The first run at it.

The exhilaration that you’ve begun. 

The optimism that you’re doing it. You’re keeping up with your training/writing schedule. 

The small pride when you see the miles/pages/word count build up. You’re stronger, better. 

The deflation when you hit the wall. 

The dismay when you realize how far you still have to go.

The doubt that you’ll ever be able to finish.

The drudgery of perseverance.

The distress of failure that you’re sure is on the horizon.

The agony of deciding to give up. The training/writing is just too hard. 

The fragile hope when you’re encouraged to keep at it.

The drudgery of perseverance. Again.

The blooming recognition that you’re still doing it.

The building confidence that maybe you can do this after all.

The determination to see it through, even as tired as you are.

The exhilaration of the final push—so close now!

The euphoria of completion.



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